Cloud computing emerged as a new tool for pooling and offering numerous computing resources in ICT industry. Most of organizations are adopting cloud computing now a days because of availability of massive cloud facilities with minimal cost like Paytm in India. Data security is a big concern as the user data always stored on off-site cloud locations . The data owners are using firewalls, VPN (Virtual Private Network) to ensure the data security at there end , data security is a serious concern when data owner stores their sensitive data on remote servers on cloud and users access required data from these remote cloud machines. Data security in cloud is a very popular research areas for cloud data protection. Encryption algorithms are most widely used approach for ensuring the data security in today's rapidly evolving cloud computing environment
. For this research paper, we have analyzed and compared the effectiveness of some widely used symmetric key encryption algorithms, Advanced Encryption Standards (AES), Elliptic-curve cryptography (ECC)and Blowfish, based on throughput, power consumption, and encryption speed. While tested by simulation we found that AES outperforms on Blowfish when security flaws are put into consideration however AES requires more processing power compare to ECC .After analyzing all the results we have proposed MKP as efficient hybrid security algorithm thatwillcombinethebenefitsofbothapproachestoprovidebetterdatasecurityincloudbasedsystems.
Our performance analysis test proved that the proposed hybrid approach named MKP will be an excellent solution for encrypting and decrypting files in cloud environment even on large block sizes and longer key with very high level of security .